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Music with headache

If the headache worries rarely and once, then to cope with it will help to take an anesthetic pill

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Shooting headache

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tEnd to repeat prede chun as necessary.

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Headache during sleep

Usually, such attacks just make you wake up, and do not deprive you of sleep for the whole night.

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Why does the headache

Throughout the world, one of the most common ailments in a person is headache or cephalalgia.

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Pain of forehead and eyes

Headache is the main and powerful signal that sends the affected organ to the host.

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Tensor headache

This means that the head hurts from stress, which is caused by

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How does Imitrex (sumatriptan) work against migraine

Imitrex (sumatriptan) belongs to the group of so-called triptans. The drug was the first representative of this modern migraine medication. Like all triptans, sumatriptan is a remedy for the acute migraine attack and not suitable for prevention.

Effect via serotonin

The mechanism of action of triptans is complicated. All members of this group activate the so-called serotonin 5-HT receptors in the brain. Among other things, there is a constriction of the blood vessels in the brain (which are typically dilated during a migraine attack). In addition, pain-causing messengers are inhibited.

Sumatriptan is offered as a tablet (50 mg and 100 mg), as a suppository, nasal spray and in syringe form. Since the active ingredient is not so well absorbed by the gut compared to later developed triptans and relatively little of the substance arrives in the brain, the suppositories or nasal spray are often preferred. The syringe sounds uncomfortable, but it is just a small prick under the skin, administered via a so-called autoinjector (you just have to press a button, then it makes "Pie").



Headache is not simply considered one of the main signs of a malfunction of the body. The nature of its manifestation often helps to establish a diagnosis.

Of course, without a comprehensive examination still can not do, but the causes, signs and symptoms of the headache are closely interrelated with each other. A correct definition of the disease is already a big step towards healing.

Signs and Symptoms

Probably, every person at least once in his life experienced a headache. Many people suffer it regularly. And only 10% of the lucky beggars know such unhappiness. The statistics do not speak in favor of health, but on the other hand the headache warns the person. If you do not listen to the work of the body, then in the future often develop serious illness.

Symptoms and symptoms of headache usually manifest themselves in a complex, but there are also features. In fact, it all depends on the cause of the disorder. What should I look for?

First of all, on the accompanying events and various changes:

  • Dizziness and fainting.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Temperature.
  • Weakness.
  • Noise and pain in the ears.
  • Pain in the neck and throat.
  • Pulsation.
  • Feeling of pressure and squeezing.

As can be seen from this list, the headache is different. Therefore, it is worth considering each symptom separately.

Dizziness and fainting

Cardiovascular disorders often provoke dizziness and fainting with headache. It can be either increased pressure or decreased. In the brain, any changes in the state of the vessels are perceived negatively because of the high sensitivity of nerve cells.

About 25% of all blood consumes the brain. And if its quality composition is violated, it also leads to dizziness. For example, a low amount of red blood cells reduces oxygen supply. But too much saturated blood can harm because of the high viscosity and hindered current through the capillaries.

Sometimes the patient is even suspected of hypoxia, and oxygen starvation is fraught with irreversible consequences (tissue death, mental disorders, etc.).

But most often dizziness and fainting occur with prolonged abstinence from eating. The lack of nutrient compounds adversely affects the condition of all tissues of the body, and the brain is no exception. Therefore, the diet should be followed with the mind and after consulting a specialist.

If the dizziness is a consequence of migraine, then the patients are observed and other signs: a pronounced pulsation of the vessels of the head, weakness, fatigue, attention disorder and coordination of movements. Typically, such pathology affects women, so they should contact a doctor with frequent recurrence of attacks.

Nausea and vomiting

After a person wakes up from a fainting, he often has nausea. At the same time, the headache becomes serious, the state of health is greatly deteriorating. It looks like the bandage was stretching around my head. Often people complain about even some stains before the eyes and loss of hearing.

But before vomiting this happens rarely. And if this happened, then it's worth to study this function carefully. Perhaps, this way manifests meningitis - inflammation of the brain. This is a very serious disease that can lead to death. When meningitis in a patient, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Strong headache;
  • regular vomiting;
  • increased pressure inside the skull;
  • hypersensitivity to the scalp;
  • delirium, hallucinations.

You must go to the hospital, even with the slightest suspicion of meningitis. But a headache with vomiting also occurs in case of an injury, such as a concussion. Strong strokes or falls often lead to this effect. Many athletes are familiar with concussion, although this happens in normal life.

Vomiting can also indicate a subarachnoid hemorrhage that arises from the rupture of blood vessels in the brain. If a person does not provide timely assistance, it will affect his or her future life (mental disorders, regular headache, hormonal disorders). Sometimes doctors simply do not have time to save the patient from death.

Thus, we can conclude: headache and vomiting are dangerous symptoms. With their joint manifestation, doctors should call urgently, otherwise it may be too late.


Headache and temperature are frequent satellites of an infectious disease, such as flu or sore throat. Probably, all people faced such ailments. The pain in this case manifests itself in different ways. Usually it starts in different parts of the head, gradually merging and intensifying.

The growing temperature also creates discomfort, but in no case can it be knocked down at the thermometer in the range of 37-38 ° C: such conditions maximally contribute to the activation of the immune system against the attacks of microbes.

If the temperature exceeds the permissible limit, it is recommended to take an antipyretic preparation based on paracetamol or to drink tea with lemon and raspberries, after thoroughly sweating under the blanket. Treatment of respiratory infections depends on the type of the disease, but doctors advise and restorative means.

In particular, it is necessary to use vitamin complexes, because they directly affect the synthesis and activity of immune cells.

Women are familiar with the fact that the temperature and the headache sometimes occur simultaneously with menstruation. This is due to bleeding, but doctors consider this phenomenon not a pathology, but a normal physiological reaction of the body. If you get too much headaches, you are allowed to take an analgesic (Citramon, etc.).


The consequence of high temperature often becomes weakness, in which a person loses muscle tone, he wants to lie down and relax. If the weakness is due to a metabolic disorder due to injury, then in addition the patient is recorded:

tingling of limbs;
the feeling of numbness in the fingers and toes;
feeling of heaviness in the back of the head.
Of course, such symptoms are manifested individually, but pay attention to them. The headache with the front is localized in the region of the temples and occiput, although initially it is the frontal zone (forehead) that is worried. In this case the muscle tone inevitably weakens.

But weakness can be provoked by stroke, meningitis, giant cell arteritis and other serious diseases. Especially often a symptom is observed in children and adolescents, however, without an examination it is difficult to name the exact cause of the disorder.

Noise and pain in the ears
Headache, dizziness, weakness, tinnitus - all this indicates a violation of the vestibular apparatus. This system is very sensitive to insufficient blood supply, which in itself is a pathology. Often, noise in the ears is an early symptom of high intracranial pressure, but one should not forget about the signs that accompany it, nausea and vomiting.

Pain in the neck and throat

There are many arteries and veins in the intervertebral area. It is the pressure in these vessels that hampers the flow of venous blood from the head. The consequence is intracranial hypertension. Another condition called cervical migraine, because the pain begins with the spine and gradually spreads to the area of ​​the crown, occiput and temples.

But not always the headache arises from the clamped vessels. And while the neck can still bother, like the throat. These symptoms usually indicate an infectious lesion of the mucous membranes of ENT organs. Headache in such circumstances is inevitable, and it is especially pronounced in sinusitis.

Unpleasant sensations arise due to spasm of neck muscles. Located at the base of the head, the vertebral roots have a movable connection to the skull. If the movement is wrong, there may be a spasm in the cervical region, but often the pain extends to the throat and back of the head.


If a person has a throbbing pain, then in the first place this indicates a vascular disease. Such violations are perceived by the patient very acutely, because the constant pulsation does not give rest. As a rule, doctors in this case diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypertensive encephalopathy, but also mastocytosis, and carcinoid syndrome, and many other diseases are also probable. Aggravating factors usually are alcohol, histamine, or a high level of adrenaline in the blood.

Often, a pulsating headache occurs with respiratory infections, because most of them provoke an increase in blood pressure. The patient feels regular tremors in the temples or other areas, but the phenomenon occurs after getting rid of the primary disease. Sometimes a throbbing pain accompanies a migraine, and in some cases a symptom arises as a reaction to stress: a nervous surge is usually accompanied by a jump in blood pressure.

Feeling of pressure and constriction

About 90% of the world's population periodically experience a pressing headache. It appears in all age categories, but 25-30-year-old people suffer most often. Doctors call the symptom a pain of tension, which occurs after physical or emotional stress.

A pressing headache resembles a sensation of a helmet or a too small cap. It spreads both over the entire head, and in certain areas: the temples, the neck, the crown, and so on. Often the pressure is transferred to the eyes. Regularly repeated pain of this type greatly complicates a person's life.

And not any tablets will help in this situation. For example, Citramon is contraindicated, because it increases blood pressure. When choosing a medicine, it is better to consult a doctor so that there are no complications.

Pressing pain can act as a sign of brain abscess or encephalitis, which develop due to the pathogenic activity of microorganisms. In the skull, unwanted guests get in different ways, and often - from a sore ear or other hearth.Symptoms directly depend on the site of pain localization, but such a disease is very dangerous: exposure of microbes to neural tissue can lead to mental disorders with irreversible consequences.

Causes of headache

To some extent, the causes of the onset of headaches were already superficially affected. However, this kind of information requires a specific approach. So, the headache is a sign of the violation of physiological processes. What provokes such failures? There are many reasons:

  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • tumor;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • heat;
  • orgasm.


Often people only because of a headache turn to the hospital, but as a result learn about chronic hypertension - hypertension. Frequent narrowing of the vessels affects the nerve endings negatively: initially, unpleasant sensations occur only occasionally, but over time, the pain becomes constant and dull.

If the disease is completely neglected, then often patients experience nausea and vomiting, a feeling of pulsation in the temples, which is also transmitted to the eyes. Cope with hypertension is possible, but for this you will have to completely reconsider your diet and daily routine.


Headache provokes both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. When hypotension vessels proliferate and affect the nerve endings. And if such an event is repeated often, then the person begins to feel a headache of the following character:

  • pulsating;
  • pressing;
  • paroxysmal;
  • stupid;
  • monotonous.

Sometimes the pain occurs only in the temples, the back of the head or the eye area. But much more often it covers the entire head. There are cases of even fainting and vomiting due to a sharp decrease in pressure.


Disruption of the spine is usually associated with a change in its structural elements - intervertebral cartilaginous discs. In osteochondrosis, danger is represented by any sharp movements, because they provoke dislocations of discs and blood vessels.

If the pathological process occurs in the cervical region, then the head in the nape of the neck will inevitably be ill. At the initial stage, the pain has a diffuse character, i.e. manifests itself only in small areas. But the progression of osteochondrosis leads to more severe symptoms.

With this disease, it is difficult for a person to rotate his head without unpleasant sensations. Sometimes in the neck even a crunch is heard that causes painful lumbago. The veins clamped by the vertebrae do not allow blood to exit normally from the cranium, resulting in increased pressure within it.

Osteochondrosis with great difficulty is treatable, so it is better not to bring the body to such a deplorable state.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia

Low stability of the cardiovascular system is often expressed in vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). Such a disease usually occurs with a nervous overstrain, and it is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of the blood flow. Insufficient supply of brain with nutrients and oxygen causes a headache.

There are many varieties of VSD, which have a similar symptomatology. In turn, the headache can be blunt, aching or bursting. Sometimes patients complain of a ripple in the temples and eyes. As a matter of fact, VSD is a consequence of a psychosomatic disorder, therefore it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the nerves for the treatment of the disease.


Almost 0.5% of all headaches occur due to a tumor in the skull. The hematoma develops for various reasons, but it is usually manifested in pain of one-sided type. With the growth of the tumor, an unpleasant sensation also increases.

Sometimes the symptomatology of such a disorder is observed at an early stage, but much more often a man learns about his illness only after many years. And although it is still possible to help the patient, it is rather difficult to do this.

The tumor provokes a headache whose attacks have characteristic signs:

  • pain is strong and constant;
  • begins usually after awakening;
  • lasts 3-4 hours, and sometimes longer;
  • often accompanied by a feeling of pulsation;
  • possibly double vision and numbness of the skin;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • intensifies with coughing, sneezing and even defecation.


Dizziness and headache often accompany alcohol intoxication. This is due to the fact that the red blood cells are glued from the action of ethanol. As a result, their passage through the blood vessels is difficult, and the tissues do not get the right amount of oxygen.

The brain reacts sharply to such an event, and if a person has consumed alcohol very much, the nerve cells simply die and are excreted along with the urine. In some cases, even completely erased memories of the past day, which is the consequence of the death of those responsible for the memory cells.

In conditions of oxygen starvation, intracranial pressure increases, which provokes a headache. Sometimes there is a ripple, but much more often there is a feeling that the head is cracking. The impact of ethanol never goes without a trace, so it's worth keeping to the measure during the feast.


The influence of tobacco is determined by the carbon monoxide that forms during combustion. It is firmly connected with red blood cells, as a result of which the cell loses the ability to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. And although the amount of red blood cells in the blood does not decrease from this, but the functional units become much smaller. There is oxygen starvation. With frequent tobacco smoking, the headache becomes pressive, but after getting rid of the addictive habit the situation is normalized.

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