Epilepsy, fibromyalgia in patients with headache – migraine

Information about the comorbidity of epilepsy and migraine is very contradictory. Earlier studies have shown twice the prevalence of migraine among people with epilepsy. However, studies conducted in recent years have refuted the claim that the incidence of headaches has been increased in individuals suffering from epileptic seizures.

If the relationship between epilepsy and migraine is generally debatable, then there seems to be a closer relationship between migraine with aura and epilepsy. To determine this relationship requires extensive epidemiological research.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease manifested by widespread pain, the presence of hypersensitivity zones, and also general somatic disorders. In 1990, the American College of Rheumatology (AKP) formulated specific criteria for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, allowing to identify this specific pain syndrome, characterized by pain that is widespread throughout the body and the presence of pain in at least 11 of 18 pain points.

In patients with fibromyalgia, pain points (tenders) are distributed throughout the body and are characterized by pain on palpation. To distinguish between pain associated with fibromyalgia and pain of a different etiology, a 10-point pain intensity scale at tender points in response to pressure up to 4 kg is used (0 is pressure, no pain; 10 is unbearable pain). The palpation method, by testing all parts of the body, reveals fibromyalgia more effectively than the dolorometric examination.

The pressure of approximately such a force is achieved by pressing with the thumb until the nail plate is blanched. Higher pain scores directly correlate with disadaptation level.

Patients with fibromyalgia usually present a whole range of somatic and psychological complaints, including headache. If in the general population 2-3% suffer from fibromyalgia, then in patients with migraine it is detected in 17% of cases. On the other hand, a study of 100 patients who applied for help with fibromyalgia symptoms revealed that 3/4 of the respondents complained of headaches of different etiologies.

At the same time, 84% of patients presented complaints of severe headache, although none of them resorted to headache treatment. The most common diagnosis among them was migraine, which was detected in 63% of patients.

local_offerevent_note February 12, 2019

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