SCP of the brain in patients with Alzheimer’s type dementia

We examined 120 patients with various forms of asthma. The patients underwent psychiatric, neurological, EEG and CTG examinations. The diagnosis and determination of the stages of the disease were carried out by employees of the department of mental pathology of the late age ND Selezneva, I.V. Kolykhalov, Ya.B. Kalyn (head prof. SI Gavrilova). All patients met the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable Alzheimer’s disease (J. McKhann et al., 1984). The main results of the research presented below were published earlier (N.V. Ponomareva et al., 1991; SI I. Gavrilova et al., 1992).

In patients suffering from Alzheimer’s-type dementia, the distribution of AMR is altered compared with the control group of healthy subjects. Differences are determined by the stage and features of the disease. In the general case, in the later stages of the disease, a higher average SCD is observed, which is especially characteristic of AD with early onset. Normal or even low values ​​can occur when it is possible to slow down the breakdown of brain tissue or when atrophy of muscle tissue is attached to atrophic processes in the brain. At the same time, many acidic products also accumulate in the peripheral blood, due to which the ratio of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the outflowing brain and peripheral blood may not differ from normal or in some cases be lower than it. Usually,in BA, the disturbance of cerebral homeostasis pH is more pronounced than the disturbance of pH in peripheral blood, so the values ​​of UPP in most cases increased.

local_offerevent_note August 11, 2019

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