Participation of the thalamus in the regulation of motor functions

The thalamus, as a collector of almost all sensory information, processes this information before it enters the corresponding areas of the cortex. Therefore, the accuracy of this largely determines the possibility of processing and to use sensory information to the traffic management processes. All three types of thalamic nuclei are involved in this process – specific, or relay, non-specific and associative.

In addition, processes thalamus impulses flow coming to it from the cerebellum, the caudate nucleus, globus pallidus and substantia nigra, and then n e resylaet it in motor cortex. Thus, the thalamus is involved in the formation and formation of motor programs of complex voluntary movements. This function, in particular, is performed by specific, or relay, motor nuclei of the thalamus, the destruction of which leads to irreversible disruption of movements. In addition to transmission of projection effects on the cortex, thalamus, neural networks are free to carry out the closure of reflex pathways without uch as Stia cortex, as well as take part in the organization of a series of complex reflex reactions, including the motor. So, in talam and ical animals, t.   e.   with complete removal of the cortex and subcortical nuclei, but with the thalamus preserved, not only simple movements, but also complex chains of motor reactions are preserved. Due to these reactions take place in the space of movement (locomotion) and complex motor ReA to tion, which require the integration of somatic muscles and muskulat y ry viscera (t.   e.   swallowing, sucking, chewing). When the thalamus is damaged, all these motor reactions are disturbed. Thalamus addition of g Romney afferent input stream has broad efferent communication I communication with other CNS structures, in particular basal nuclei, hypothetical and lamusom, hippocampus, amygdala nuclei. Thanks to this integrative function of the thalamus involved in the organization and implementation and n stinktov, instincts and emotions, including the organization of the motor components. The complex structure of the thalamus, as well as the presence of a relationship I associated specific, unspecific and associative nuclei allows him to organize such motor reactions, sucking, chewing, Chapter on tanya laughter Numerous vnutritalamicheskie provide communication and n tegratsiyu complex motor reactions autonomic processes p e adjust- able structures of the limbic system. Thalamic integral and tive mechanisms are of great importance for the conditioned reflex dv and gatelnoy activity and for the formation of motivational behavior. Exerting a great influence on the state and activity of the cortex of the item on the hemisphere, the thalamus itself is under the regulating and corrective influence of the cortex. These descending effects are carried out through direct (corticotalamic) and mediated (cortiketics lotalamic) ways and provide the influence of the cortex on the thalamic level of sensory analysis and integration. Multiple ascending paths from the thalamus to the cortex and descending from the cortex to the thalamus form the basis of the activity of the unified thalamocortical system.

local_offerevent_note May 10, 2019

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