Anatomical features and functions of the cerebellum. Ed cerebellum of IT of the worm and the hemispheres. Their gray matter, located in the surface layer, forms the cerebellar cortex, and the accumulation of gray matter deep and not the cerebellum – the nucleus of the cerebellum. White matter, or the cerebral body, lies in the cerebellum and contains three groups of fibers – projection ( they connect the cerebellum with the spinal cord, trunk, basal nuclei, talam in catfish and the cerebral cortex), associative (connect different gyri within one hemisphere cerebellum) and commissural (with about unite one hemisphere with another).
The projection fibers are in the composition of the three legs of the cerebellum – the upper, middle and lower. The upper legs are way from the cerebellum to the midbrain, thalamus and caudate nucleus, as well as spinal mo of hectares to the cerebellum. The middle legs contain bridge-cerebellar fibers, or paths that carry information from the cores of the bridge. In the lower legs mo of the cerebellum are afferent, or ascending fibers from the spinal cord and from the brain stem. In addition, in the lower legs pass the descending, or efferent, pathways of the cerebellum to the vestibular nuclei of the brain stem.
The principle of operation of the cerebellum is to receive a vast and n formation, including the vestibular receptors myshe h GOVERNMENTAL, tendon and joint receptors, skin receptors, photorecombination e receptors and fonoretseptorov, as well as from large cortical neurons of the half- a ry. This information is processed in the cerebellar cortex and is transmitted to the I d ra cerebellum, which control the activity of the red nucleus, vestib in polar nuclei and the reticular formation. In addition, the information goes into the cerebral cortex, where it is used to compile accurate programs for performing complex movements.
Three types of afferent information come to the cerebellum:
1) information from the receptors of the vestibular apparatus (primary ve with tibular afferents), from the vestibular nuclei, the red nucleus and the retinal and ocular formations of the brain stem, as well as from the sensitive nuclei of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves;
2) information from muscle spindles, tendon and articular p e receptors;
3) information on associative and motor areas of the cortex bol s Shih hemispheres.
Efferent communication cortex and cerebellar nuclei like afferent communication I zyam also numerous. The experiments show that the incentive I tion of the cerebellum increases the excitability of the motor area of the cerebral cortex that control the way the pyramidal and extrapyramidal way. It is also shown that the cerebellum may have a facilitating and brake I Suitable impact on the motor, and other associative cortex h e res reticular formation of the brain stem and nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus.
Functions of the cerebellum. According to popular belief, the primary receptacle and the cerebellum chenie it is that it corrects and complements the Worker s Nosta other motor centers. The main function of the cerebellum – reg at lyatsiya posture and muscle tone, coordination, and reflexes slow motions maintain the posture correction and rapid purposeful movements generated by the motor cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. In this case, it is believed that each region of the cerebellum performs certain functions in the coordination processes of muscular activity.