Structure and function of the large brain

Structure and function of the large brain. Big brain (the cerebrum), with a cost of two hemispheres (left and right). Each cerebral hemisphere consists of three phylogenetically and functionally different C with the following topics:

1) the olfactory brain;

2) basal nuclei, or subcortex;

3) the cerebral cortex (cortex, cortex), or raincoat (pallium, pallium).

Often in the literature uses such concepts as the forebrain and the terminal brain. The forebrain ( prosencepnalony ) develops from the end section of the neural tube and includes the intermediate and end brain. For a fi nite brain ( the telencephalon ) develops from the anterior cerebral bladder and consists of the cerebral cortex, corpus callosum, striatum and olfactory about go brain.

The basal ganglia, or basal ganglia, – a cluster of gray The substance t wa thicker brain white matter of the cerebral hemispheres (the primarily e governmental in frontal lobes). They are called subcortical nuclei of the brain. To the basal nuclei in each hemisphere include multiple cores (pallidus, striatum et al.), Which regulate the automated movement of we, as well as provide a normal distribution and tone adekva m hydrochloric driving dynamics. Functionally to include basal nuclei Th p hydrochloric substance of the midbrain. The amygdala is located in the interior of the temporal lobe and also belongs to the basal ganglia.

local_offerevent_note April 28, 2019

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