Analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex

Analysis – this distinction, the separation of different sensory signals diff e derivations different effects on the organism. Although the analysis of sensory signals begins in the receptor apparatus, and in the process zade th update themselves various subcortical centers, however, the basic analytical process takes place in the cerebral cortex (which is why it is called the highest analysis). It is here, in the cerebral cortex, to depend on the STI on the strength, duration and steepness stimulus whenever there is a unique space-time drawing excited e due to which distinctions of similar in their properties are achieved. The form of analysis specific for the cerebral cortex of the brain consists in distinguishing (differentiating) stimuli by their signal value, which is achieved by the participation in this process of the mechanism underlying internal inhibition. The degree of analysis performed by cortical cells varies. It is Ven and exactly simple, primitive, for example, in conditions where only two separate stimuli act on the body. But the analysis is also very difficult, for example, in terms of the impact on the body of a complex of stimuli. With the participation of the mechanism of internal inhibition, the cortex of the big hemispheres is capable of perceiving not only individually each component of this complex, and not only totally, but also in a certain sequence. In addition to the analysis of stimuli, the bark of the large sex of the Sharii carries out synthetic activity , i   e.   binding, aggregation, association excitations arising in various ESTATE m Kah cortex. For cortical cells are characterized as the simple shapes synthesis and layer w nye. It is believed that the brain’s ability to forecast, anticipation of future events is realized through complex Synthetic and cal figures v Nosta brain. Processes of analysis and synthesis in the cerebral cortex n e discontinuously linked. Therefore, it is customary to talk about the analytic-synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex as a unit and nominal process with one that ensures the formation of various forms of human behavior.

Analytic-synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex g of human nerve tissue is characterized, in comparison with the animals, the Nei s Merimee higher level of development. A higher level of development of the analytical and synthetic activity of the human cerebral cortex is due to the presence of a second signaling system. It is the participation of the word that gives specific features to the process of formation of systems of temporary connections.

local_offerevent_note April 30, 2019

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