Limbic system of the brain

Limbic system of the brain. In 1878, French neuroanatomist P. Brock described the structure of the brain, located on the inside of pover Nosta each hemisphere of the brain, which, like the edge, or limb, is bordered by the brain stem. He called them the limbic d of lei. Later, in 1937, an American neuroscientist D. Peypets described complex structures (circle Peypetsa) having, in his opinion, a wearing the formation of emotions. This anterior thalamic nuclei, sostsevi nye body nucleus of the hypothalamus, amygdala, nucleus transparent lane e    campuses, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, Gudden’s mesencephalic nucleus and other structures. Thus, the circle of Peypets contained various structures, including the limbic cortex and olfactory brain. The term “limbic system”, or “visceral brain”, was proposed in 1952 by the American physiologist P. Mac Lin to refer to the Peipets circle. by h  other structures were also included in this concept, the function of which was connected with the archiopaleocortex. Currently, the term “limbic system” is understood as morphofunctional joining, including a number of phylogenetically old structures of the cerebral cortex, a number of subcortical structures, as well as structures of the intermediate and midbrain, which are involved in the regulation of various autonomic functions of the internal organs, in providing homeostasis, in self-preservation species in the organization of emotional and motivational behavior, and the series “Waking of vanie – a dream.”

The composition of the limbic system includes pre-pyriform cortex, periam and gdalyarna cortex, diagonal cortex, olfactory brain, septum, arch, hippocampus, dentate fascia, base of hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus. Note that the term “limbic cortex” refers only to the two entities – cingulate gyrus and paragippoka m pal’nite gyrus. Also old structures, the old and the average cortical to whether m bicheskuyu system includes subcortical structures – amygdala (amygdaloid or complex), located in the medial wall Viso h Noah lobe, anterior nuclei of the thalamus, mastoid, or mamillary body, mastoid-thalamic bundle, hypothalamus, as well as the reticular nuclei of Gudden and Bechterew, located in the midbrain. All major forms and tion of the limbic cortex annular base of the front cover is, of the brain and are a kind of boundary between the new bark and the trunk of the hand side of the brain. A feature of the limbic system is the presence of multiple bonds between the individual structures of the system, and between the limbic system and other brain structures of a cat on the eye information, in addition, can be continuously circulated. Blessed and Godard These features enable effective management structures of the brain from the limbic system ( “imposition” Do bicheskogo influence). Currently, such circles are well known, such as, for example, the Peipets circle (hippocampus, mastoid or mammillary), the frontal nuclei of the thalamus, the cingulate gyrus, the parahippocampus, the gyrus, the basement of the hippocampus, the hippocampus, which has relation to memory processes and learning processes. A circle is known that connects such structures as the amygdala, hypothalus mucus, and midbrain structures that regulate aggressive-defensive behavior, as well as nutritional and sexual forms of the body . Dénia. There are circles in which the limbic system is included as one of the important “stations”, thanks to which important functions of the brain are realized. For example, a circle, connecting into a whole new bark and limb and ical system through the thalamus involved in the formation of figurative or iconic memory, and the circle connecting the neocortex and the limbic system through the caudate nucleus, is directly related to the organization of the brake, etc. of the processes in the cerebral cortex.

Functions of the limbic system . Due to the abundance of links within limbich e tion systems, as well as its extensive connections with other brain structures, the system performs a fairly wide range of functions:

1) regulation of the functions of diencephalic and neocortical formations;

2) the formation of the emotional state of the body;

3) regulation of autonomic and somatic processes in emotsional but-motivational activities;

4) regulation of the level of attention, perception, memory, thinking;

5) selection and implementation of adaptive forms of behavior, including such biologically important behaviors as searching, food, sexual, defensive;

6) participation in the organization of the “sleep – wakefulness” cycle.

The limbic system as a phylogenetically ancient education Normal display s Vaeth regulating effect on the cerebral cortex and subcortical jet for tours, establishing the need for appropriate levels of activity. H e doubt that an important role in the realization of these functions limbic system plays a delivery system in the brain inform a tion of olfactory receptors (phylogenetically ancient method of obtaining information from the external environment) and its processing.

local_offerevent_note May 1, 2019

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