Electrophysiological methods

Back in the XVIII century. Italian physician Luigi Galvani noticed that the prepared frog legs and short schayutsya in contact with the metal. He came to the conclusion that we w ci and nervous animal cells produce electricity. The Russian claim about Daubney study conducted I.   M.   Section: the first time he was able to charge e-registered bioelectric fluctuations from the medulla oblongata l I frog. At the beginning of the 20th century, using the already much more advanced instruments, a Swedish researcher G.   Berger registered the bioelectrical and cek potentials of the human brain, which are now called electroencephalogram (EEG). In these studies, it was first charged e-registered biocurrents basic rhythm of the human brain – sinusoidal oscillations with a frequency of 8 – 12 Hz, which is called the alpha rhythm. Modern methods of clinical and experimental elektroentsefal Graphshave taken a significant step forward thanks to the use of computer- th ers. Usually on the surface of the scalp in the clinical examination of the patient impose several dozen cup electrodes. Further, these electrodes are connected to a multichannel amplifier. Modern amplifiers are very sensitive and allow you to record the brain electrical oscillations of an amplitude of a few microvolts, then co m pewter handles EEG for each channel.

In the study of the background EEG, the leading indicator is the alpha rhythm, which is recorded mainly in the posterior cortex in a state of calm wakefulness. Upon presentation of the sensory and mules item is suppressed, or “block”, the alpha rhythm, and cont telnost which is greater the more complicated the image. An important district and board-to-use EEG studies are called space-time relations but brain potentials on perception of sensory information, that is.   e.   accounting time perception and its brain organization. For these purposes, synchronous multichannel registration of EEG is made in the process of perception. Further background EEG recording for studying e Nia braincaused by registration methods use (VI) or event-related (MTP) potentials the brain . These methods are based on the idea that caused or event-related potency and L represents a brain’s response to sensory irritation by DURATION sNOSTA comparable with the time processing of the stimulus. Related GSS s Voith brain potentials represent a wide class of electrophile and ziologicheskih phenomena which special methods vyd e lyayutsya of “background” or “raw”, electroencephalogram. The popularity of meth rows CAP and MTP explained by the simplicity of registration and the possibility of Mr. and observable activity of many areas of the brain in the dynamics within DURATION s Nogo time when performing any of the tasks complexity.

local_offerevent_note March 31, 2019

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