Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

Treatment for allergic bronchitis and tracheitis should be comprehensive, lengthy and systematic. Strict individualization is required, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease. Basically, the principles of therapy are reduced to the correct combination of specific and non-specific measures of exposure. Long-term specific hyposensitization with an allergen detected by allergometric titration is effective. To obtain therapeutic dilutions, field and pollen allergens, standard bacterial allergens and auto vaccines are used. For most children, the initial treatment dose is 0.1 ml of a standard allergen in a dilution of 10–6 degrees, and in children with a very high degree of allergic reactivity, treatment begins with a dilution of Yu-7 and even 10 “8. The therapeutic dose of allergen with each injection increases by 0 , 1 – up to 0.9 ml of the appropriate dilution. After injection, 0.9 ml of the allergen proceeds to the next dilution, in which the concentration of the allergen is 10 times higher. Injections are given daily for atopic allergies and with an interval of 4 to 5 days for infectious allergic. Small volumes ( 0.1 – 0.4 ml) is administered intradermally, and from 0.5 to 0.9 ml – subcutaneously into the lateral region of the shoulder. In the course of hyposensitization treatment, local skin reaction is evaluated. Papule with a diameter of more than 20 – 30 mm is considered as a warning signal possible development of a generalized reaction.When a papule with a diameter of more than 35 mm, the injected dose of the allergen is temporarily reduced by 2 injections and the interval between them is increased by 1 to 2 days.When the

maximum tolerated dose is reached (usually in children does not exceed 0.5 ml of the allergen in a dilution of 1 i 100) gradual transition at treatment with maintenance doses, that is, the interval between injections is extended to one, then two and three weeks. Treatment with maintenance doses is continued for at least two years. In children with allergic bronchitis and tracheitis treated with specific hyposensitization, the pathological process does not transform into bronchial asthma. In children with allergic bronchitis and tracheitis, which developed in connection with a bacterial allergy, mainly staphylococcal, staphylococcal toxoid is used with a positive result according to the microdose technique. In non-specific desensitizing therapy, histaglobulin is used. The drug is administered under the skin at 0.3 – 1 ml and 1.5 ml at intervals of 2 to 4 days, for a course of 4 to 5 injections. At indications spend 2 – 3 courses and more. Prescribe drugs that have a stimulating effect (metacil, pentoxyl, sodium nucleinate, etc.). Antihistamines have anti-allergic effects (diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen, diazolin, tavegil). They are used orally, intramuscularly and in aerosols. Aerosols are also effective, especially electroaerosols with sodium chloride and alkaline mineral waters, which help to improve trophism of the mucous membranes, reduce the viscosity of mucus, and restore ionic balance. To restore the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, normalize sleep, electrophoresis is prescribed with 2% sodium bromide solution, 2 – 5% calcium chloride solution. Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, ultraviolet rays are widely used, which stimulate the processes of nonspecific immunity, enhance the production of antibodies, and enhance the protective functions of the body. Hardening measures, the use of physical factors (fresh air, sun, water) are important. Children of preschool and school age need to systematically engage in therapeutic exercises, and children under three years of age are prescribed general massage. In the absence of symptoms of the disease for 3 to 4 months, children of preschool and school age can be recommended for therapeutic swimming in the pool. Patients with respiratory allergies during a period of persistent remission can exercise at school, but should not participate in competitions. Preventive vaccinations are indicated after prolonged remission (at least 1 – 2 years). Children with asthmatic bronchitis are subject to follow-up. 

local_offerevent_note December 24, 2019

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