Structure and function of the neuroglia

Neuroglia – an extensive Various of own group of cells (glial cells or glial cells), neural tissue, providing the activity of neurons and operate the support, mp about fichekuyu, dividing, barrier, secretory and protective (and munologicheskuyu) function. Glial cells are 3–4 times smaller in size than neurons. In the human brain, the content of gliocytes is 5 to 10 times the number of neurons, and all gliocytes occupy about half of the brain volume. In contrast to the glial cells of the adult neurons h Lovek able to divide. Neuroglia include macroglia and mic on glia. In the white and gray matter of the brain microglia cells are scattered, the cat is about rye are formed from blood monocytes. They capture and destroy a used breaking decaying cells.

The macroglia in the embryonic period, like neurons, develops from the ectoderm. It is divided into astrocytic, odeodendrocyte and ependymozitarnuyu glia. Astrocytes (or stellate glial cells) are the largest forms of gliocytes, which are found in all parts of the CNS. Astrocytes are involved in creating the blood-brain barrier (BBB), the function of which is to protect the brain against the penetration of large molecules, most of the products of pathological processes and manyof GIH drugs. Oligodendrocytes (in the peripheral nervous system are called Schwann) have a small body and relatively small, as if flattened processes. These processes repeatedly wrap axons of neurons, providing them with an insulating myelin sheath. Mi e Ling is a fat-like substance that plays the role of electrical insulation of pa. When a myelin sheath is lost due to, for example, demyelinating and chiropractic diseases, the transmission of signals from one part of the brain to another is seriously impaired, which usually leads to disability.

The process of myelination is very important in the development of the brain. It is known that about 2/3 of the brain fibers are myelinated in a newborn baby. At about 12 years, the next stage of myelination is being completed. This corresponds to the fact that the child has already formed a function of attention, he is quite well with himself. However, for l NOSTA myelination process ends only upon completion of the floor of Vågå maturation. Thus, the process of myelination is Show e Lemma maturation of a number of mental functions. At the same time known Zabol e Bani human nervous system which are associated with demyelination ner in GOVERNMENTAL fibers, which is accompanied by severe suffering.

Myelinated fibers hundreds of times faster carried excited e of than unmyelinated, t.   e.   neural networks of our brain can work with greater speed, and therefore more efficiently. Therefore no myelinating in the body only very fine fibers (less than 1 micron in diameter) that perform agitation to slowly work w conductive bodies – intestines, bladder, etc. In general, no E. E liniziruyutsya fibers, providing information about the pain and temperature .

local_offerevent_note April 9, 2019

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