Rules for measuring air temperature

When measuring the air temperature, it is necessary to install the thermometer so that it is not affected by extraneous factors that can heat or cool it. During the measurement, do not hold the thermometer in your hands and lean close to it. Measurement of air temperature in residential premises in the absence of complaints of discomfort is carried out in the middle of the room at the level of the adult’s breathing zone (1.5 m from the floor). In industrial premises, air temperature is measured in the working area and in neighboring places at different levels. To accurately determine the temperature regime of the room, the air temperature is measured at 9 different points at once for 5 minutes each: at the outer wall (10 cm from it), in the center and at the inner wall (10 cm from it). Measurements are taken at distances of 0.1-1-1.5 m from the floor level. After measurement, the readings are summarized and the average air temperature is found. Then, temperature differences are determined along the horizontal and vertical. Permissible daily temperature fluctuations in indoor air for brick buildings should not exceed 2 ° C, for wooden – 3 ° C.

The difference in air temperature horizontally from walls with windows to opposite walls should not exceed 2 ° C, and vertically (near the floor and at the height of the head) – 2.5 ° C. The optimum temperature is not the same for rooms for various purposes (SNiP 2.08.02-89) .

local_offerevent_note August 27, 2019

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