Examination of pregnant and lactating mothers with headaches The basic principles of examination for headache are used in women during pregnancy and lactation. Do not postpone the examination until delivery or termination of breastfeeding. It
Inspection for traumatic brain injury of mild severity and headaches
Inspection for traumatic brain injury of mild severity and headaches Patients who complain of headaches that have arisen after an injury require additional examination to determine the severity and extent of the damage. The Glasgow
Inspection for traumatic brain injury of mild severity and headaches Patients who complain of headaches that have arisen after an injury require additional examination to determine the severity and extent of the damage. The Glasgow
Laboratory and instrumental methods of research for headaches
Laboratory and instrumental methods of research for headaches Patients with chronic headaches are not prescribed laboratory blood tests. They can be recommended to patients in the presence of clinical signs of concomitant disease, as well
Laboratory and instrumental methods of research for headaches Patients with chronic headaches are not prescribed laboratory blood tests. They can be recommended to patients in the presence of clinical signs of concomitant disease, as well
Keeping a diary for headaches
Keeping a diary for headaches A study of patient-collected headache information complements the history of the disease. Keeping a diary that reflects the nature of headaches is an excellent and accessible way for the patient
Questionnaire used to collect anamnesis in the diagnosis of headaches
Questionnaire used to collect anamnesis in the diagnosis of headaches 1. How many different types of headaches do you have? If more than one, answer the questions below, characterizing separately the most and least intense
History history of a headache patient
History history of a headache patient The stages of the diagnosis of headaches: • collection of anamnesis; • physical examination; • special examination. When diagnosing the majority of pathological conditions, only careful collection of anamnesis
Headache in childhood
Headache in childhood Headache in childhood requires special attention, since children suffering from headache miss classes at school for an average of 7.8 days, and the rest of the children – just 3.7 days per
Chronic headaches in children
Chronic headaches in children Recurrent headaches, often found in children and adolescents; with age, they usually do not regress. In a prospective analysis of headache registration diaries for 1 month, in 2,126 children aged 7–12
Episodic headaches in children.
Episodic headaches in children. In children and adolescents with headaches, which are observed in the practice of emergency care, as in adults, their main causes were infections, injuries or primary headaches. According to a study
The effect of headache on the ability to work
The effect of headache on the ability to work The World Health Organization has listed migraine in the list of 20 diseases that cause disabilities in the world. Among these diseases, migraine is ranked 12th