Dynamics of exchange in patients with stuttering

Prichotherapy and, in particular, hypnosis, are quite effective in treating logoneuroses. By relieving stress and anxiety, psychotherapy allows to reduce speech disorders in patients. In recent years, some mechanisms of the effect of hypnosis on the brain


Prichotherapy and, in particular, hypnosis, are quite effective in treating logoneuroses. By relieving stress and anxiety, psychotherapy allows to reduce speech disorders in patients. In recent years, some mechanisms of the effect of hypnosis on the brain

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Cerebral acidosis

Cerebral acidosis, which, according to UPP, is observed to varying degrees in all the pathologies considered (stuttering, drug addiction, consequences of acute cerebral circulation disorders, asthma, parkinsonism, brain tumors), causes secondary disruptions of mitochondria, inhibits


Cerebral acidosis, which, according to UPP, is observed to varying degrees in all the pathologies considered (stuttering, drug addiction, consequences of acute cerebral circulation disorders, asthma, parkinsonism, brain tumors), causes secondary disruptions of mitochondria, inhibits

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Cerebral energy metabolism in drug addicts

Recently, much attention has been paid to the prevention and treatment of drug addiction, which are associated with the use of various substances (opioids, cannobioids, hallucinogens, etc.) causing pathological addiction and having a toxic effect


Recently, much attention has been paid to the prevention and treatment of drug addiction, which are associated with the use of various substances (opioids, cannobioids, hallucinogens, etc.) causing pathological addiction and having a toxic effect

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The relationship of EEG parameters and energy metabolism of the brain

EEG integrally reflects the level of activation of brain structures. EEG rhythms result from the summation of the EPSP and TPPS neurons. Normally, in a state of calm wakefulness with eyes closed, the alpha rhythm


EEG integrally reflects the level of activation of brain structures. EEG rhythms result from the summation of the EPSP and TPPS neurons. Normally, in a state of calm wakefulness with eyes closed, the alpha rhythm

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The dynamics of the SCP in the abduction from the surface of the head

The dynamics of SCP when diverting from the surface of the head and when registering from the brain varies significantly and in many cases may be opposite in sign (A. Lehmenkuhler et al., 1999; etc.).


The dynamics of SCP when diverting from the surface of the head and when registering from the brain varies significantly and in many cases may be opposite in sign (A. Lehmenkuhler et al., 1999; etc.).

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The relationship of the parameters of SCP and EEG in healthy subjects in a state of calm wakefulness

Consideration of the relationship between EEG and SCP will begin with the topographic distribution of these types of bioelectric activity. In healthy subjects, SCP is positive in all areas of the head, SCP is lower in


Consideration of the relationship between EEG and SCP will begin with the topographic distribution of these types of bioelectric activity. In healthy subjects, SCP is positive in all areas of the head, SCP is lower in

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The relationship of the parameters of SCP and EEG in healthy subjects during hyperventilation

One of the standard functional tests that reveal hidden pathological activity in the EEG is hyperventilation. With deep breathing , a spasm of arterioles occurs in the blood as a result of CO reduction and cerebral blood flow decreases. At


One of the standard functional tests that reveal hidden pathological activity in the EEG is hyperventilation. With deep breathing , a spasm of arterioles occurs in the blood as a result of CO reduction and cerebral blood flow decreases. At

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Our history is the history of some vague, excruciating pain associated with the loss of this perfect human world, then our complete oblivion, denial, and ultimately denial of some part of ourselves. This is a story


Our history is the history of some vague, excruciating pain associated with the loss of this perfect human world, then our complete oblivion, denial, and ultimately denial of some part of ourselves. This is a story

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A powerful complex of herbal psychoactive drugs that connects the frontiers of the separation of cultures is alcohol. Alcohol has roots in the deepest layer of the Archaic culture. The ancient civilizations of the Middle East were


A powerful complex of herbal psychoactive drugs that connects the frontiers of the separation of cultures is alcohol. Alcohol has roots in the deepest layer of the Archaic culture. The ancient civilizations of the Middle East were

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Fruits rich in seeds, such as pomegranates and figs, have been the symbols of fertility since ancient times. The vine and grape juice has a long history of religious significance.Deified, like the Zoroastrian haoma and the Vedic soma, their ability


Fruits rich in seeds, such as pomegranates and figs, have been the symbols of fertility since ancient times. The vine and grape juice has a long history of religious significance.Deified, like the Zoroastrian haoma and the Vedic soma, their ability

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