Dynamics of exchange in patients with stuttering

Prichotherapy and, in particular, hypnosis, are quite effective in treating logoneuroses. By relieving stress and anxiety, psychotherapy allows to reduce speech disorders in patients. In recent years, some mechanisms of the effect of hypnosis on the brain have been elucidated through the study of EEG and local cerebral blood flow. In hypnosis, an increase in LMC occurs in many parts of the brain: in the occipital, parietal, precentral, prefrontal areas and in the anterior parts of the cingulate gyrus (P. Maquet et al., 1999). In parallel with the increase in blood flow in the occipital region, the EEG delta activity increases (P. Rainville et al., 1999). Based on this, the authors conclude that a change in consciousness during hypnosis may be due to a decrease in the level of arousal and the relief of the appearance of visual images. They associate the increased blood flow in the frontal area with memory processes and the overestimation of perceptual experience.

Hypnosis was performed by psychotherapist I.I. Razygraevym in all examined patients with stuttering. During hypnosis, UPP was monitored. Under the influence of hypnosis, SCP significantly decreased (p <0.05) in the central, right, and left temporal areas. A decrease in the average SCP was also detected (Fig. 7.2). Compensatory restructuring of the intensity of energy metabolism was observed not only in the left, but also in the right temporal region, responsible for the prosody of speech.

The colored bars represent the mean values ​​of the SCP, the rectangles above them are a standard error. The ordinate axis is the value of UPP in millivolts, the axis of abscissa is the registration area and the average UPP is {UPP}. The combined data on two age groups of patients are presented.

During hypnosis in patients, the differences in the parameters of SCP from the norm decreased. Especially noticeable positive dynamics was observed in the older age group. On the basis of data on the dynamics of SCP, it can be assumed that hypnosis contributes to the normalization of energy metabolism and CSFR in the brain of stuttering patients. This, along with psychological effects, helps reduce anxiety levels, which plays a role in reducing speech disorders during stuttering.

Thus, in patients suffering from logoneurosis, a moderate increase in SCP was observed, resulting from multiple causes, probably causing a partial transition to the anaerobic pathway of energy metabolism. In many patients, these disorders prevailed in the temporal areas. Hypnotic suggestion led to an improvement in the parameters of SCP, which, apparently, is connected with the normalization of the CSA in the brain.

local_offerevent_note July 25, 2019

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