Exchange changes in drug addicts with hypnosis

The hypnosuggesting effect is primarily aimed at normalizing the mental activity of patients. To what extent correction of metabolic processes in psychotherapy is possible in such patients – this question remains one of the least studied. Under the influence of hypnosis, there were some obstructive shifts of the SCP with leads, O # – a local SCP in the occipital region.

It can be seen from the fact that under the influence of hypnosis, the local SCP in the occipital lead has increased significantly. In addition, the ratio between the UPP in the occipital and right temporal leads has changed.

To those differences that existed before hypnosis, the values ​​of the local potential in the occipital region and the bipolar SCP differences, also associated with the occipital region, were added.

If we compare the individual characteristics of SCP during hypnosis with the control, it turns out that all patients had deviations from the norm. In general, it can be said that the characteristic differences that were observed before hypnosis, even more intensified: this increase in SCP in monopolar leads, indicating acidification of the brain, a local increase in SCP in the central region and a decrease in activity in the left dominant hemisphere. In most patients with hypnosis, moreover, high values ​​of local SCP were noted in the occipital region. This may be due to the fact that under the influence of hypnosis in the occipital (visual) areas of the cortex, energy exchange is intensified due to the appearance of visual images (P. Rainville et al., 1999). In drug addicts, this leads to an even greater increase in lactic acidosis, which is accompanied by an increase in AMR.

Thus, the majority of drug addicts do not normalize SCP during hypnosis, which indicates the persistence of existing violations of KSHR. Apparently, although hypnosis has a healing effect on it, addicts in themselves are not sufficient to normalize cerebral metabolic processes. Disorders of energy metabolism in case of drug addiction are more pronounced and persistent than stuttering.

local_offerevent_note August 16, 2019

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