Differential diagnosis of atopic bronchial asthma

Atopic bronchial asthma must be distinguished from other bronchopulmonary allergic diseases, bronchospastic syndromes, as well as various forms and variants of bronchial asthma.

Treatment of atopic bronchial asthma

The treatment of atopic bronchial asthma is complex: elimination therapy, if it is impossible to eliminate contact with the allergen – specific hyposensitization, drug therapy.
Elimination therapy includes a number of measures: the employment of patients, especially with chem. and drug allergies; removal of animals from the apartment (since immunotherapy with animal proteins is not recommended), aquariums and daphnia for allergies to daphnia; treatment of living quarters, basements, attics with fungicides (in the absence of the patient) with an allergy to fungi; dehydration of damp rooms; elimination of feather pillows and feather-beds; diet with the exception of chicken and eggs with allergies to feather; daily wet cleaning, limiting the amount of upholstered furniture, removing carpets, frequently shaking bedding, storing books in closed bookcases with allergies to house dust; elimination diet with the exception of allergenic products for food allergies;
travel to the plant-free zone (causing pollen allergy) in the summer with hay fever; elimination of various non-specific irritants; in some cases, a change of place of residence.

Drug therapy depends on the stage of the process. In the exacerbation phase, desensitizing nonspecific therapy is carried out, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, if indicated, bronchodilators (adrenergic drugs, methylxanthines), expectorant substances, and in the phase of calming exacerbation and remission, specific hyposensitization is used, histaglobulin, inthalitic drugs, supporting doses are used (bronchodilators, interval medications), supporting doses immunocorrective drugs according to indications. With food allergies, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed. In order to increase the nonspecific resistance of the body, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, reflex aeroionotherapy, hardening, and spa treatment are used. In drug therapy of atopic bronchial asthma, a particularly careful approach to the appointment of active antibacterial agents, especially antibiotics, which should not be used without convincing evidence of an infectious etiology of the inflammatory process in the lungs (the latter may be allergic in nature and undergo reverse development under the influence of active desensitizing and bronchodilator therapy) .

local_offerevent_note January 1, 2020

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