The principle of concentration of excitation . 

Excitation and inhibition meters of gut or radiate, or concentrate. Concentration is me in the opposite way to irradiation. It occurs at the moment when the irradiation reaches a certain limit, after which the spread of excitation or inhibition goes in the opposite direction, t.   e.   to the starting point. If neurons are inhibited state is prepyats t exists spread to them the process of excitation and vice versa, if they are in a state of excitation, inhibition, they are covered by labor d it. The rate of irradiation and concentration of nerve processes is also influenced by the type of the nervous system, its individual characteristics.

The principle of induction of nervous processes . Induction showing reflects e of the process of irradiation of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. It is believed that induction – (lat. Inductio – introduction guidance) denotes the occurrence of neural process counterfield w Nogo sign process-induced conditioned stimulus (Pos and or negatively, t.   e.   brake). Simultaneous induction of and lies in the fact that the formation in any center cortex concentrated excitation causes in the areas adjacent to this center areas deceleration (negative simultaneous induction), and the same concentrated inhibition causes these zones excitaton w denie (positive simultaneous induction ). Thus, when a d neous induction of nerve process calls in another portion of the cortex process opposite in sign (excitation process calls forth a process of deceleration and vice versa), and the sequential induction proish about dit change opposite nervous processes in one and the same site.

The principle of excitation convergence (or the principle of a common final path, the Sherrington funnel). The convergence of nerve impulses (from Lat. Convergo , convergere – to bring together, converge) means the descent to one neuron of two or more different excitations at the same time. This phenomenon was discovered by Charles Sherrington. He showed that the same movement, such as bending a limb reflex in the knee Soest and ve can cause irritation by various reflex zones. In this regard, he introduced the concept of a “common final path,” or “funnel principle,” according to which pulse flows from different neurons may converge on the same neuron (in this case, on the alpha motoneurons of the spinal cord). In particular, H.    Sherrington on B identified the convergence to the same intermediate or efferent neurons of different afferents from different parts of the common receptive field (in the spinal and medulla) or even from different receptive fields (in the higher parts of the brain). Currently, it is shown that the convergence of arousal, as well as the divergence of arousal, is a very common phenomenon in the central nervous system. The basis for the convergence (as for the irradiation) is defined morphological and functional s Nye structure of the various parts of the brain. It is obvious that part konvergen t GOVERNMENTAL way is birth, while the other part (mainly in the cortex of the brain) – acquired through learning by ONT on genesis. Formation of new convergent relationship to neurons in a large brain ry during ontogeny is largely due to emerging about the obtainable cortex of the dominant focus of excitation, which are capable of, “etc. , and unravels” to his excitement from other neurons.

The principle of the dominant , or dominant excitation focus. D on the dominant of (from the Latin. Dominans , dominantis – ruling) – a temporary rule reflex system to warrant the integral nature of the functioning of the nerve centers in a period of time, ie no and determines whether the behavior of animals and humans. In general, the dominant principle is that the current brain activity of n redelyaetsya the presence of the dominant (dominant) focal excited e Niya, or the dominant neural associations that inhibits the activity and subjugates others not at this time th ronny formations. Thus, by forming dominan m Nogo hearth (dominant neuronal association) activity of the brain is organized so as to meet the needs of the organism, the presence of which and formed dominant excitation focus. DETAILS s Noe study the properties of the dominant focus showed that for a set of neurons within its composition, characterized irritability, increased resistance excitation or inertia (which consists in the fact that in these neurons is difficult to cause inhibition), increased cn about lities to summation excitation high ability “attracted and excitement from other nerve centers (and thereby increase its activity). Dominant, as one of the basic principles of the coordinate and CNS-translational activities, is essential to human life. For example, it is possible thanks to the dominant concentration of crazy and cal activity (attention) and the implementation of mental or Fiz e tion of employment (in this case – is the dominant labor). During the search for food and its eating, food dominant is realized. In n a standing time for human dominant secrete various kinds (nutritional, defensive, sex, game, labor and others.).

local_offerevent_note May 18, 2019

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