Pathogenesis of stuttering

The pathogenesis of stuttering is caused by a violation of intercentral, including interhemispheric relations. It has been shown that the system responsible for fluency of speech includes the nerve centers of the right and left hemispheres, as well as nigrastriar structures (Y. Lebrun et al., 1987).

AR Braun et al. (1997) found, studying the local cerebral blood flow with the help of PET, that in the development of stuttering play a role violation of functional hemispheric asymmetry. If the normal pronunciation of words causes increased blood flow in the left hemisphere, then in patients with stuttering, the blood flow increases in the right hemisphere or bilateral. In addition, the pronouncing of words by patients with logoneurosis is accompanied by excessive activation of the anterior sections of the brain with insufficient activation of the postrolandic areas.

It is known that lactic acidosis plays a significant role in the development of neurosis, which can provoke anxiety and panic attacks. Therefore, it is of interest to find out the extent to which logoneurosis is accompanied by sustained disorders of the brain’s ACV. Unfortunately, in the available literature, we were unable to find data on cerebrovascular disease in patients with stuttering obtained using computer-aided visualization of biochemical processes.

The SCP study was conducted by us in conjunction with Razygraevym and V.I. Klopov in 26 patients with logoneurosis aged 13 to 33 years. All patients were divided into two groups: 13–20 and 21–33 years. The control groups (20 and 25 people) consisted of healthy subjects of the same age as the patients with logoneurosis. In patients with logoneurosis, according to the analysis of variance, there was an increase in the average SCP and SCP in unipolar leads. Patients with logoneurosis of 13-20 years compared with patients of 21-33 years had significantly higher values ​​of SCP in all monopolar leads, except for the frontal, differences also existed in the bipolar leads associated with the occipital region. In the group of patients aged 13–20 years, differences from the SCP in the frontal monopolar lead did not reach statistical significance. The results of the SCP mapping of patients with logoneurosis and the control group of subjects are shown in the figure.

On the right is the UPP color scale. For mapping, we used the average values ​​of SCP for groups of patients and healthy subjects.

local_offerevent_note July 27, 2019

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