Morphofunctional characteristics of spinal cord neurons

Morphofunctional characteristics of spinal cord neurons. The spinal cord contains about 13 million neurons, of which the share of Moton th tron accounts for only 3 %, while the remaining 97 % are TSA and paid-neurons. Internuncial neurons , or interneurons of the spinal cord soda p zhatsya all horns, t.      e.   in all functional fields of the spinal cord. Possessing background activity , they are able, with additional excitation , to generate pulses (action potentials) with a frequency of up to 1000 per second. Internuncial neurons possess numerous strongly ve m vyaschimisya appendages of different lengths, ie.   e.   dendrites and axons to about torye rich in synapses (mean neuron one such contains about 500 synapses). Processes of neurons form numerous n nye connections between neurons within one horizontal segment, and between two or three neurons of the spinal cord segments Vertical and whether. They also form the connections of spinal cord neurons with the brain. Due to this connection between neurons, in the implementation of a single reflex act, various brain structures may be involved in the response. Part of the intercalary neurons of the spinal cord is inhibited (for example, Renshaw cells). Thus, the function of inte r neurons consists in organizing connections between the structures of the spinal cord and ensuring the influence of the ascending and descending pathways on the cells of individual segments of the spinal cord. A very important function intern th tron is the inhibition of neuronal activity that provides a preserved and of direction of the excitation path. Neurons of the autonomic nervous system are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord gray matter, they are efferent neurons, whose axons reached and dissolved autonomic ganglia, located outside the CNS. The ganglia proish about dit excitation transfer to the second efferent neurons of the autonomic system, from which the impact is transmitted to the effector sootvets t structures of the authority to be governed. Spinal cord motoneurons have a large number of dendrites and one typical axon that innervates a group of muscle fibers.

local_offerevent_note April 18, 2019

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