With tadii mild dementia

In patients with BA of the presenile type, the stage of mild dementia SCP in monopolar leads has a tendency to increase, however, differences from the norm are not significant. At the stages of moderate


In patients with BA of the presenile type, the stage of mild dementia SCP in monopolar leads has a tendency to increase, however, differences from the norm are not significant. At the stages of moderate

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Stress and energy metabolism in asthma

In BA, the mechanisms of regulation of stress reactions are violated. Already in the early stages of the disease, the degenerative process involves the hippocampus, a brain structure that plays a significant role in mnestic


In BA, the mechanisms of regulation of stress reactions are violated. Already in the early stages of the disease, the degenerative process involves the hippocampus, a brain structure that plays a significant role in mnestic

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Stress and lipid peroxidation with BA

Due to disorders of energy metabolism in asthma, the level of free-radical oxidation increases, which contributes to neurodegeneration, initiating chain reactions of lipid peroxidation (LPO). The FLOOR damages neuronal membranes and can lead to cell


Due to disorders of energy metabolism in asthma, the level of free-radical oxidation increases, which contributes to neurodegeneration, initiating chain reactions of lipid peroxidation (LPO). The FLOOR damages neuronal membranes and can lead to cell

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SCP and evoked potentials in asthma

Visual evoked potentials (VEP) reflect the processing of visual information in the brain. With BA, the SGP reveals certain disorders in the visual system. In patients, as a rule, visual acuity does not change, however,


Visual evoked potentials (VEP) reflect the processing of visual information in the brain. With BA, the SGP reveals certain disorders in the visual system. In patients, as a rule, visual acuity does not change, however,

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Energy metabolism in parkinsonism

E kstrapyramidnoy system, which is characterized by the so-called parkinson syndrome: akinesia, rigidity, tremor. At present, primary parkinsonism, or Parkinson’s disease, secondary parkinsonism (vascular, post-encephalitic, drug, traumatic, etc.) and parkinson syndrome are distinguished in various forms of


E kstrapyramidnoy system, which is characterized by the so-called parkinson syndrome: akinesia, rigidity, tremor. At present, primary parkinsonism, or Parkinson’s disease, secondary parkinsonism (vascular, post-encephalitic, drug, traumatic, etc.) and parkinson syndrome are distinguished in various forms of

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Energy changes exchange

Changes in energy metabolism affect the process of neurodegeneration in parkinsonism. Patients were found to have impaired mitochondrial enzyme activity and mitochondrial DNA damage, leading to a marked energy deficit. Mitochondrial damage occurs as a


Changes in energy metabolism affect the process of neurodegeneration in parkinsonism. Patients were found to have impaired mitochondrial enzyme activity and mitochondrial DNA damage, leading to a marked energy deficit. Mitochondrial damage occurs as a

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Data on cerebral energy disorders

Data on violations of cerebral energy metabolism in parkinsonism suggested that patients may have deviations in the SCP topography. These assumptions were confirmed in studies N.V. Ponomareva (1986). We examined 25 patients with parkinsonism between the ages


Data on violations of cerebral energy metabolism in parkinsonism suggested that patients may have deviations in the SCP topography. These assumptions were confirmed in studies N.V. Ponomareva (1986). We examined 25 patients with parkinsonism between the ages

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Parameters of AMR in Parkinsonian patients

The ordinate axis – UPP, mV; the colored bars represent the mean values ​​of the characteristics of the SCP, the uncolored rectangles are the standard error. BP – Parkinson’s disease. The abscissa axis is the


The ordinate axis – UPP, mV; the colored bars represent the mean values ​​of the characteristics of the SCP, the uncolored rectangles are the standard error. BP – Parkinson’s disease. The abscissa axis is the

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Observed with Parkinson’s increase in SCP

An increase in brain BPD observed in parkinsonism indicates a likely decrease in cerebral pH. The increase in SCP is most pronounced in the frontal areas, which reflects the predominance of disturbances in energy metabolism


An increase in brain BPD observed in parkinsonism indicates a likely decrease in cerebral pH. The increase in SCP is most pronounced in the frontal areas, which reflects the predominance of disturbances in energy metabolism

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Energy metabolism in ischemic brain damage

In ischemic stroke, an acute violation of cerebral circulation arising, as a rule, as a result of thrombosis, obliteration or embolism of cerebral vessels, the energy metabolism in the area of ​​the pathological focus is


In ischemic stroke, an acute violation of cerebral circulation arising, as a rule, as a result of thrombosis, obliteration or embolism of cerebral vessels, the energy metabolism in the area of ​​the pathological focus is

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