No substance has had such a long lasting adverse effect on humans. The struggle for the production, control and taxation of alcohol in order to bring its social consequences, plays a significant role in the history of the creation of trading empires of the XVIII and XIX centuries. Alcohol and slavery often went hand in hand over the landscape of the economy. In many cases, alcohol was literally slavery, when the triad of the slave, sugar and rum trade, along with the other delights of European civilization, spread throughout the world, conquering other cultures. Sugar and alcohol, which could be produced from it, became some European obsession, mercilessly distorting the demographics of tropical areas. For example, in the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia, colonial policies were to pay womenso that they give birth to as many children as possible in order to provide themselves with workers for hard labor on sugar plantations. The result of this policy is currently the largest overpopulation of Java, once the former center of the Dutch East Indies, compared to other major islands in the world. Most of the sugar produced was processed into distilled alcohol, and what was not imported into Europe was consumed by the local population. The “drunken lower class” was an unchangeable belonging to a mercantile society both in the dominant countries and in the colonies.Most of the sugar produced was processed into distilled alcohol, and what was not imported into Europe was consumed by the local population. The “drunken lower class” was an unchangeable belonging to a mercantile society both in the dominant countries and in the colonies.Most of the sugar produced was processed into distilled alcohol, and what was not imported into Europe was consumed by the local population. The “drunken lower class” was an unchangeable belonging to a mercantile society both in the dominant countries and in the colonies.

And what about the psychology of alcoholism and alcohol consumption? Is there some kind of “gestalt” of alcohol, and if so, what are its characteristic features? I want to point out that alcohol is primarily a drink of the dominion system. Alcohol in moderate doses has a stimulating effect on sensuality, while the “ego” feels permissiveness, and social constraints lose some of their restraining effect. This is often accompanied by a feeling of lightness in the conversation, inaccessible in a sober state. But the whole hitch is that, as observations show, this short-term effect is usually accompanied by narrowing of consciousness, restriction of the ability to respond to social signals, as well as infantile regression, accompanied by loss of sexual ability,general motor control and after that – loss of self-esteem.

Moderation in drinking seems an obvious direction. However, alcoholism is a major and overwhelming problem in the entire global community. I believe that alcohol abuse syndrome is symptomatic of the state of disharmony and tension that exists between men and women, as well as between the individual and society. Alcoholism is a state of ego obsession and inability to resist immediate satisfaction. The area of ​​social life in which the suppression of women and the feminine is carried out most clearly and roughly, is an episode of drunkenness, or drunkenness as a lifestyle. The darkest manifestations of terror and concern, generated by separation from the mother matrix, traditionally emanated from there. Beating wives without alcohol is like a circus without lions.

local_offerevent_note July 14, 2019

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