
Bridge (pons) together with the cerebellum is hindbrain, and together with the medulla oblongata, mesencephalon, and intermediate mo of gom it forms stem. In front of the nerve fibers are mainly, t.   e.   pathways, and in the back part – clusters of neurons. The main morphological structures of the bridge are the nuclei of the faces of the first, trigeminal and lateral nerves, the nucleus of the reticular formation, the goal of the battle spot. The bridge, being the link between the brain regions involved in the control of movements, in the implementation of vegetati in -valued functions, as well as in the implementation of sensory brain functions. The bridge consists of motor nuclei that innervate the chewing muscles, facial muscles, and some others. The sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve receives signals from the receptors of the skin of the face, the anterior sections of the scalp, the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, the teeth and the conjunctiva of the eyeball and transmit information to the thalamus. Ret and The cunar formation of the bridge is a continuation of the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata and the beginning of the same system of the midbrain. She called and hoditsya all over the back of the bridge. (t.   e.   tires). Tse n trawling rod material accumulations Retik tire formed from polar neurons and their processes and is denoted as a bridge seal. Neurons of the suture belong to serotonergic neurons. Reticular formation of the bridge involved in the regulation of the motor (within) activity by influencing the alpha motor neurons of the spinal cord due to acti correction in Nosta cerebellum is involved in the regulation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as contributes to the sensory brain functions, including due to an activating effect on the neurons of the cortex bol s Shih hemispheres. In addition, the reticular formation of the bridge integrates the visceral functions with abbreviations of an arbitrary muscle in the latura.

Conduction function of the bridge is provided longitudinally and alternates h but spaced fibers. Longitudinal fiber – it’s sunrise I boiling and descending tracts of the central nervous system, linking the departments of brain and spinal cord and pass through the pons, and the path leading from the bridge to the spinal cord and the cerebellum. Sensory function bridge is that it neurons involved in the first hour hydrochloric processing information coming from the cochlea receptors. That is, in a B domain of the bridge are the primary auditory centers, as well as primary somatosenso p nye centers. Vegetative functions bridge are to control respiratory and medulla functions in the regulation I tion tone coc in rows. Participation of bridge structures in the regulation of motor activity is carried out by influencing the bridge portion reticulo p hydrochloric formation on with a distance alpha-motoneurons of the spinal cord and cerebellar neurons. Furthermore, due to motor nuclei cherepnomo of govyh nerve bridge impl e stvlyaetsya regulation striated musculature of the head, are provided chewing thus, mimic, art and kulyatsiya, the movement of the eyeballs.

local_offerevent_note April 22, 2019

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